Call for abstracts – New deadline : 19 January 2017.
29 August – 1st september 2017. Trondheim, Norvège. 11th ICHC, Working Party on History of Chemistry EUCHEMS.
Session organized by Danielle Fauque and Brigitte Van Tiggelen
Chemists and the IUPAC: Taking Responsibility and Taking Actions
Since its foundation in 1919, many famous chemists have contributed to the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), with the drive to improve standardisation of methods, nomenclature, units and standards, among other things. Without a doubt, progress was made, despite power struggles, uncompleted projects and unproductive commissions.
The session aims at shedding light on the activity of chemists invested with responsibilities in the IUPAC, whose actions are often overlooked in national biographical dictionaries. This session falls into the broader project on the centennial of the IUPAC, in 2019. Each paper will focus on the responsibilities and actions of individual chemists, alone or combined in a small national or disciplinary group, inside IUPAC. The case study can however expand on roles in other international organisations (IRC, ICSU, SDN or UNESCO to name but a few). A first survey is provided by the books of R. Fennell (1994) and S. S. Brown (2001). An idea can be given with the joined list of the first IUPAC presidents (1919-2000), see Annexe.
By focusing on individual actions, the aim is to get a better sense of articulation between the local and the international, and how this articulation was constructed through the work and actions of chemists dispersed across the world.
Please send your abstract (English, 200 words max, with very short CV) to: Danielle Fauque (danielle.fauque@u-psud.fr) and Brigitte Van Tiggelen (vantiggelen@memosciences.be) by 19 January 2017.
Contact information for practical questions about the Trondheim Conference: 11ICHC@videre.ntnu.no. Conference web site: http://www.ntnu.edu/11ichc